Women Leadership Committee


People discussing financial reports
    Take proactive measures aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) to advance women's empowerment. Enhance diversity and inclusion in the accountancy profession. Develop and implement initiatives to encourage greater participation of women in the profession. Advocate at government and industry forums and take relevant initiatives for supporting leadership roles in order to enhance greater women representation. Implement initiatives to enhance capacity building, technical skill set and entrepreneurial skills for professional growth of women. To visualise and enhance opportunities for Women who seek flexible work options in order to enhance th...
    • Take proactive measures aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) to advance women's empowerment.
    • Enhance diversity and inclusion in the accountancy profession. Develop and implement initiatives to encourage greater participation of women in the profession.
    • Advocate at government and industry forums and take relevant initiatives for supporting leadership roles in order to enhance greater women representation.
    • Implement initiatives to enhance capacity building, technical skill set and entrepreneurial skills for professional growth of women.
    • To visualise and enhance opportunities for Women who seek flexible work options in order to enhance their participation in the workforce.
    • Recognize and celebrate the achievements of women members & students to inspire and empower others to pursue a career in the accountancy profession.
    • Any other matter as decided by the Committee from time to time
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Committee Members

Member Body Member
CA Sri Lanka Ms. Chamila Cooray (Chairperson)
ICA Nepal CA. Vandana Khetan (Vice Chairperson)
ICA Bangladesh Ms. Fouzia Haque
ICMA Bangladesh Ms. Akhtar Sanjida Kasem
ICA India CA. Priti Savla
Institute of Cost Accountants of India CMA Parvathy Venkatesh
CA Maldives
ICA Pakistan Ms. Hina Usmani
ICMA Pakistan Ms. Misba Yaqub
CMA Sri Lanka Ms Darshini Watawala